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tv   CNN Saturday Morning  CNN  March 23, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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adrian dantley won the scoring title twice and six-time all-star. in 2008, he was inducted into the basketball hall of fame but these days he's playing defense against cars. >> i was in the weight room one day and guys were in there talking. they say they like to do some things for some kids. maybe one hour a day. one guy said my wife is a crossing guard. i said that would be a good job for me. i can stay busy, spend time with
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the kids. do something for the community and that's why i'm here. >> he's also making a smart play. he qualifies for the county's health insurance benefits. one hour a day, five hours a week and he gets the summer off. this year it's saving him a lot of money he told me. >> well, you know, in the nba, in the nba even though you make a lot of money, they don't pay for your health premiums and me watching the news and business and the premiums goes up every year and i joke with people, i told my wife, you know what? i don't care how much money that people might think i might have, i'm not going to spend $17,000 on health insurance. that's what i spent last year. >> adrian is earning those benefits and he's had a couple close calls with drivers not paying attention but he kept everyone safe despite being a self-proclaimed rookie on this job. >> i think it's more dangerous out here than playing one-on-one or me taking a hard foul from
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the nba player. >> role reversal from nba veteran to rookie crossing guard but smart about his money no matter what. smart is the new rich. feel like youive in america with two economies. i want to hear what you think about the show this week. "cnn saturday morning" continues now. the lights are on now but not for long. several of the nation's control towers getting the ax thanks to washington. >> in 2010 they said safety was an issue and now 2013 and safety will not be affected. a georgia mom says two kids tried to mug her and they said they did the unthinkable. >> he walked over and shot my baby right in the face. >> now two arrests in this small
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southern town. if you want to get hitched, don't come to this north carolina church. their congregation says no more straight weddings until gays can say i do. good morning, everyone. i'm christine romans. it's 10:00 on the east coast. 7:00 in the west. so glad you are with us on this saturday morning. president obama is headed home on air force one. he wrapped up the first official overseas trip of his second term in jordan. on his final day in jordan he played tourist sightseeing on the ancient city of petra and stopped in israel and the west bank during the four-day visit. let's get to jessica yellin live this morning in jordan. is the president going to come home with diplomatic cues to
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break about? >> reporter: he is because of the low expectations you mentioned. in israel he seemed to have a breakthrough with prime minister benjamin netanyahu on a personal level. they've had an icy history and they seemed like buddies this trip after two days together. the president also wanted to persuade israeli people that he's personally committed to their security and he understands the jewish history of persecution. reviews out of israel show on that front he largely succeeded especially after that big speech he gave to israeli youth. those are the intangibles. the more concrete accomplishment of the trip, he brokered a truce between the prime minister of israel and the prime minister of turkey, two former allies and important military powers in this region at odds for three years so he can really crow about that one. >> tell us more about the implications of the phone call between the israeli and turkish
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leaders. >> reporter: there was a standoff between israel and turkey and it began three years ago after israeli soldiers killed nine turkish activists who were trying to break a blockabloc blockade and had a ripple effect. it impacted the middle east peace process and the nuclear showdown with iran. so stalled relations between turkey and israel could help progress on both fronts and that clearly has strategic benefits not just in this region but also for the u.s. >> mr. obama also promising $200 million in additional aid to jordan to cope with the influx of syrian refugees. is this a sign of him taking a harder line against syria here? >> you know, when he was really given an opening to take a harder line on syria in a press conference and asked pointblank will you take military action really, he wouldn't go there.
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the aid is it essentially shore up an important u.s. ally that is straining under the burden of sharing a border with syria because the world isn't doing something to take a harder line. jordan is taking in up to 7,000 syrian refugees a day. more than 400,000 have fled here since the violence began. it's taking a huge economic toll on this country frankly already struggling after the arab spring because since then arab states have stopped giving this country the money, the same amount of money they used to receive and keep in mind that jordan is a country without oil. they are really struggling and this is the u.s. stepping up in support. >> jessica yellin, thank you so much in a windy jordan. you'll be on your way home soon too i know. thanks. president obama is coming home to something he hasn't seen in four years. a budget proposal passed by the united states senate. this one was approved at 5:00 in the morning by a razor thin margin 50-49 after a marathon
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overnight session fittingly called vote-a-rama. the bill is expected to get knocked down when it gets to the house. in georgia two teens are charged with murder. the 14 year old and 17 year old killed a 13-month-old baby boy. that little baby's mother says the boys demanded money and then shot her child strapped in his stroller. they are still looking for the gun and a motive. nick is in brunswick. police are confident they arrested the right guys. one of the suspects could have an alibi. tell us about that. >> reporter: yesterday the aunt of the elder suspect -- i use that term relatively -- he's 17 years old. the other suspect is 14 years
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old. his aunt spoke to a local affiliate and said they have the wrong guy and no way they got the right suspect because he was with her the whole time. >> i am devastated. i'm sad because they got the wrong person. i hate what happened to that baby. no baby deserve to go through that. at the same time they are taking someone to jail that is innocent. i'm 100% certain he was not at the crime scene and was at my residence. >> reporter: i asked the brunswick police department public information officer about this and he would not respond specifically but to say in situations like this there are family members that don't want to believe that their loved ones are doing something like this.vs quiet town of 15,000 people. >> it must have a terrible affect on the small community. are they surprised that there's
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national media? are they surprised this happened there? >> reporter: we're the only national media present here. it was a big story for us to cover. they were shocked that something like this could happen in the neighborhood where it happened is a quiet neighborhood. a very good neighborhood for all intents and purposes. the city manager told me that this area does not have a crime problem. he says there has been shootings there in the past but this area is a mixture of historic homes. it does have public housing in the area. i spoke to residents. one resident putting a teddy bear in the road as a vigil for the boy said she was furious at what happened and residents in the neighborhood will take their community back. >> heartbreaking to see pictures of the little guy's toys. a painful period for this community no question.
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a dead ex-con has ties to the governor. evan eble was killed after a shootout. he may be involved in the prison of tom clements and a pizza delivery worker. colorado's governor was friend with eble's father, an attorney. >> we knew his son growing up had a bad streak. they kept hoping he would grow out of it. a >> reporter: evan eble grew up on this quiet street but when he was around it was anything but quiet. >> he was an angry kid. i could see him running out on
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the front lawn to come up with his friends and he would screaming arguments. one time i saw him take something to the back of his friend's car he was so mad. he just struck me as angry and troubled. >> reporter: neighbors vividly recall his violent streak. one time he was seen jumping off the roof of his house here and another time he was overheard loudly talking about his cocaine use. his criminal record dates back to his teenage years. a conviction for obstruction of a law enforcement officer and five felony convictions and in 2006 convicted of assaulting a latino prison guard but nothing like what he's suspected of now, the killing of colorado's corrections director and killing of a domino pizza delivery man and high-speed chase and
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shootout with police in texas. >> certainly he's the focus of our investigation at this point. we do have investigators in texas. the moment that we heard about the high-speed pursuit and the shooting, we did have investigators pretty much on a plane en route to texas. >> eble had ties to a white supremacist gang. neighbors say they saw no signs of racial leanings during his rant. neighbors expressed sympathy for eble's father, a respected colorado attorney raising his two children alone. his 16-year-old daughter died in an automobile accident in 2006 and now his son has been killed under a barrage of bullets and under suspicion. police say a french passenger failed to get a business class seat but instead succeeded in entering the cockpit while posing as a pilot. he never took off though. police arrested the 61-year-old retired wine maker at the philadelphia airport.
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investigators say he wore an air france uniform and badge but the crew could tell something was off since he didn't know how to strap himself into the jump seat. 149 air control towers are being shut down thanks to forced spending cuts. is your security being compromised? i'll ask a former air marshal next. a bold statement from this north carolina church. now saying weddings are off the schedule. i'll tell you why. can acne cleansers be tough on breakouts and be good for your face? [ female announcer ] now there's new neutrogena® naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates. for naturally clear skin. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals.
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for naturally clear skin. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one.
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good morning, washington d.c. a windy day in the nation's capital. the faa is planning to close 149 airport control towers around the nation because of poor spending cuts. the agency says it's targeting low to medium traffic airports but it could affect the big airports with delays of around 90 minutes. then there's the safety question. the question of air safety. joining me now is a former air
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marshal and on the phone is union president representing air traffic controllers. thank you for joining me, gentlemen. let's start there with public safety. do you think public safety will be compromised by closing 149 of these towers? >> good morning to you. absolutely not. i think our public safety will be intact. there's no concerns for the public. the numbers were revealed that with closures will have somewhere between about 150,000 flights that take off and land per year. to give you an idea of what the percentage is, there's more than 26,000 flights that take off and land every day. so you are talking about 150,000 throughout the year, that number surpasses in six days from that standpoint. >> if you have these towers that have been closed and air traffic controllers who aren't needed there, beyond the impact on that particular control tower and for those workers, will flyers and public safety be affected? >> absolutely. air safety will be compromised if the towers are allowed to
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close down. >> tell me why. >> there will be no one there to control the tower. they'll have nice runways and stuff going on and nobody there to guide the airplanes and sequence them into the airports. >> don't we have airports where we don't have an air traffic controller on hand. very small airports where we don't have air control tower, is that true? >> that's true. what we have now is we expanded the program over the last 30 years and pumped federal money and expanded air carrier service and military and general aviation. now we reached a point where we can't afford to close down a control tower. safety is going to be a problem right now. >> so clearly you have different takes on how this is going to affect flyers. some say that maybe you could see more delays. but that air safety is something that the faa took into consideration in all of this. the faa says this will not affect passenger safety which raises the question can you cut
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from these budgets -- can you cut smartly from these budgets at all? >> i think so. i think they already demonstrated that by taking a second look at it. they named about 24 airports that are closely in line with some of the bigger hubs with some of the airlines because they took a look at how many different incidents reported throughout the year and diversions so to speak. from a standpoint of safety or concern, obviously i think they are looking at, okay, can we quickly divert. will we have places intact to assist. from a security standpoint, everyone will still be safe. same tsa checking folks to get on aircraft. still air marshals flying on aircrafts and pilots i talk to enjoy having the opportunity to actually fly the aircrafts because most are computers these days. >> i want to bring something up to you. frederick, maryland, tower, something built with stimulus
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money. the government built it and now the government is shutting it down. in some of these cases it's almost ludicrous that you have federal budget fights that are making these decisions and not safety, air safety or national priority for how we're going to grow our aviation in this country. >> the faa's priority is to protect the consumer, the flying public. they have airports, they created brand new control towers and requires people behind control towers to make sure that everything happens correctly and airplanes land correctly and sequenced correctly. you can have the best tsa in the world to check you for security, what good is any of that if there's not a person in the control tower to make sure that everybody who takes off and lands at an airport does so in a safe and orderly fashion. there's no safety factor involved here. >> let me tell you about a new rule from the tsa allowing knives and other dangerous items onboard. how safe is the public and flight crews in that case. you're a former air marshal.
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what do you think about people being able to -- so what if the blade can't lock. how concerned are you about having those devices on the plane? >> as a former air marshal, i'm not concerned. i'm sure the air marshals will perform their jobs and tsa will do what they need to do preventing folks to get on the aircraft. i think what the concern are the bad guys through the cracks. with different filters and intelligence and reports that we get back, that they get back, i think they have a good grip on things. there's no real concern. >> nice to see you. thank you for both of you. did the miami heat do it again last night? lebron james and nba's hottest team went for their 25th straight win against the detroit pistons. highlights and the latest from march madness. that's next in sports. can acne cleansers be tough on breakouts and be good for your face? [ female announcer ] now there's new neutrogena® naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates.
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time for sports. first, major league baseball filed a lawsuit against a florida clinic linked to supplying players with performance enhancing drugs. according to the suit, the biogenesis of america clinic gave banned substances to a number of current and former pro baseball players. the story links the business to players like alex rodriguez. talking basketball. day two of the big dance is in books. upsets keep on coming. andy joins us more. good morning. >> good morning. this is one of the craziest first two days in tournament history. thursday we saw ivy leaguers harvard hake down new mexico but the biggest upset of round two
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belonged to florida gulf coast as she shocked the world last night by beating georgetown. many have never heard of florida gulf coast before. it's only second year they've been eligible for the tournament. the atlantic sun conference champions went on a 21-2 run to pull away in the second half. they get the win in the second ever tournament game and become just the seventh 15th seed to beat a two seed. >> we just came out there and we just played our hearts out. win or go home from here. just had great feeling and just excited. i don't really know what to do still with myself. >> if your bracket was in bad shape after the gulf coast win, it probably only got worse after 13 seed lasalle beat kansas state. outscore wildcats by 18 in the first half and were able to hold on for the win. this result coupled with a georgetown upset left zero
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perfect bracket over 8 million filled out on espn. the action continues this afternoon with round three. we'll see if harvard keeps the cinderella run alive. another one to keep an eye on is gonzaga versus wichita state. heat are now just eight wins away from tying the lakers for the longest winning streak in nba history. they'll host the bobcats on sunday. for more on the streak, check out one upset we didn't get to was iowa state beating notre dame. you are excited about that. >> those are my cyclones. thank you so much. the senate burning the midnight oil and got a budget done. is it all going for not? we'll break down the next round in the budget battle.
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welcome back. i'm christine romans. number one, a texas homeowner tries to get rid of a snake but her plan goes up in flames. the local fire chief says the woman doused the reptile in gasoline and then her son lit it on fire. as the snake tried to escape, it ignited some brush which set fire to the woman's house and the house next door which she
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also owns. no people were hurt. no word on the snake. number two, an airport flight display board collapses killing a 10-year-old boy and critically injuring his mother in a new section of the airport in alabama. wiat reports the display board fell onto the boy, his mom and three siblings as the father was checking into their flight. the extent of injuries for the other kids is not known at this point. the pakistani taliban is threatening to kill a former leader of the country. he plans to return to his homeland tomorrow but in a video message appearing online, the group vows to assassinate mr. mu musharraf if he does return. an italian castle where an historic lunch date is happening today. look at this new video. we've never seen this before. for the first time a pope is meeting another pope.
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pope francis is diving with pope benedict xvi. he's been living there since resigning last month citing his age but he's been following francis' election as pope and inauguration before the huge crowds in rome. time for politics. we start with one of my favorite topics. the budget. earlier this morning while you were sleeping the senate passed a budget that came at the end of a marathon session of amendment votes. welcome to both of you this saturday morning. okay. the democrats budget bill passed at 5:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. and it passed by one single vote. mostly it's symbolic. how big of a deal is this? >> finally we can get on with our lives. no. i think actually in all reality the only thing it really does is take off the table a huge republican talking point that
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they've had for three years complaining that democrats haven't passed a budget. now it really focuses on the real work ahead which is let's pass something that is real that is based on solutions where both democrats and republicans can come together to figure out how we move forward with the big problems that we're facing and i think that's going to be the real battle, christine. we've seen democrats and president obama are ready to really compromise and to really negotiate putting on the table changes to medicare and social security in addition to real revenue so the question is going to be what are republicans willing to do? >> let's talk about it. the big difference between the senate bill and paul ryan's republican bill that passed the house. ryan's bill didn't get universal support among the republicans. in the house, ten republican members voted no. to the senate, five more refused to get on board. amy, are you surprised that republicans are breaki ining ra on the budget talks?
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>> in that case it was because it wasn't conservative enough. the democrats as we just saw in the senate -- the senate democrats as we saw did not have it on their budget either. they are documents about priorities. on the house side we saw that house republicans most of them with a couple exceptions said their priority is to balance the budget. we saw on the democratic side their priority is to raise taxes by $1 trillion. ask the americans to give the government a trillion dollar more without balancing the budget. i don't know if they'll get together on that point. it's really stark ideological difference. >> president obama came under attack this week for filling out his ncaa brackets. some said he should have been working on his budget instead. here's his final four if you're
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curious. louisville, indiana, florida, ohio state. he has indiana winning it all. i know you have duke winning it all. i picked iowa state over the fighting irish yesterday so it helped my bracket. back to the subject. is it a fair criticism of the president if he should be writing a budget and not filling out brackets? >> no. again, that is ridiculous, christine, in terms of using this as a talking point. we know what president obama's priorities are in the budget. he's been talking about it nonstop for his first term and nonstop during this campaign. and by the way, the majority of americans, the american public, agree with his priorities on the budget. it's one of the reasons why he got re-elected. and so i think right now the focus moving forward is going to be where can we come together? amy made an interesting point
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about how ted cruz and rand paul did not go with this budget because it wasn't conservative enough. i think republicans have to focus on the fact that they have to get with priorities of the american people. american people agree that there does need to be additional tax revenue on the table before we completely put the hatchet on programs that middle class americans and that poorest and most vulnerable are programs they depend upon. it's all about moderation and how we do this with actually compromising and people like ted cruz and rand paul are not for compromise. the majority of americans are. >> i'm sorry your princeton tigers aren't in it. ivy league upset from harvard. you have to love that. i want to move past the final four. that is a talking point that's been around all week. let's move on to what the president was doing this week. he was in the middle east. he spent a couple days in israel.
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why do you think it's his second term to go to israel and do you think that was a successful trip for this president? >> well, the president launched his presidency in the first term by going to cairo and reaching out to the arab world. i think he found out that those efforts were not well received and so i am thankful the president went to israel. the white house lowered expectations because i think in their experience they now know that it takes two negotiating partners to make peace in the middle east between israelis and palestinians and palestinians snubbed the white house when they went to the u.n. to get recognition against the united states' wishes because that was a point of negotiation. i applaud the white house for going to israel and not trying to push a peace deal top down from the united states giving their orders about how this is going to happen and try to let this happen organically between
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the two parties. i'm not a critic of the president on his trip to israel. it was at least appreciated. >> i thought it was interesting about this is tone and tenor from the president. what hard work it would be. you don't begin the peace process with results. you have negotiations. it's almost as if he really was using where they aren't to try to start the thing again. >> i think that's right. i actually agree with amy. i think it's very smart of him to talk about israel's priorities and where the end game should be and really focus on trying to get people to the table and i thought what was so interesting was this last speech he gave to israeli university students where he basically focused on where he knows the majority of israeli public is in terms of supporting a two-state solution. to your point, that really put the onus on everybody involved
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here on where we need to go from here and that it is going to be really hard to work. if you keep your eye on the prize, there is hope for everybody to come together and hopefully try to make this happen at some point in the coming years. >> thanks. nice to see you. >> thank you. >> have a nice weekend. >> happy budget. >> happy budget. another political hot topic next. a pastor joins me to explain why his church refuses to perform straight weddings. [ lane ] are you growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up.
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a church in north carolina
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is refusing to marry any couple, won't marry any couple until same-sex marriage is legal. not only is it illegal in north carolina but voters approved making marriage strictly between one man and one woman in the state constitution last year. it's a united methodist church and denomination doesn't allow for same-sex marriage either. listen to this church's statement. it reads, we the leaders of green street church, see people in same-sex relationships as completely worthy of the sacrament of marriage and reject a notion they are second-class citizens in the kingdom of god. joining us from winston-salem, north carolina, kelly carpenter, senior pastor of the green street church. thank you for joining us to talk about this controversial move. you made a decision just weeks before the supreme court hears arguments on the issue. why are you making this statement now? >> it was a process that took place. we studied it over the last few
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months. we wanted to get things out of the way before holy week which begins tomorrow. we're also aware of what was being faced with the defense of marriage act that is under review before the supreme court. we wanted the people to know that there's not just an issue in the legal sphere but also in the sphere of the church as well. >> you know, the interesting thing to me here is that the methodist church doesn't allow for same-sex church. so you have issues with politics of government but also politics within your own church. are you angering any of your methodist members right now? >> i didn't hear the question. >> are any of your members that are methodist angry? does everyone in the congregation agree with the decision of the leadership? >> as far as i know they have. the congregation has been
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unusually unified. the leadership council is around 18 members and all of those 18 members voted unanimously for the statement. we have a number of gay and lesbian members. a quarter of members on sunday morning are probably lgbbgt. their loving relationship is an example to all members in our congregation. >> what are you hoping to achieve? hoping to make a statement for methodist and the country as a whole? what do you hope to achieve from this? >> well, we hope to be a witness to our own denomination. we know that we have great statements to be administered with gay and lesbian people. all too often that welcome that we we say we are about to
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welcoming lgbt people, we're part of a reconciling network which is a group that works for greater inclusion in the united methodist church and this is one way a church can stand in solidarity with gay and elizabelesbian couples. >> in other couples, they are reconciling congregations like yours who decide that they are going to take a particular stance on this issue that is different from the national leadership of their church. within a lot of loose end methodist churches, there's a big discussion going on. in some churches like yours, they do relationship blessings for couples. explain that to me. >> so a marriage ceremony as we understand it is one that rings are exchanged, vows are exchanged and pronouncement of a couple and things we can avoid in a ceremony and do a service
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of relationship blessing so we've done one of those at green street and we're going to be offering those to both straight and gay couples. >> you know what's interesting, i just want to get your thoughts on this. when you hear people talk about this debate and they talk about religion and the debate of same-sex marriage, a lot of people knee-jerk reaction is the bible condemns this. the bible condemns this. what do you say to that? >> if you look for scripture, you are not going to find anything about gay marriage. you're going to see scattered passages about homosexuality and we're not arguing that. but because scripture is silent on long-term monogamous relationships between same-sex couples, we need to understand it. the bible says as much about gay marriage as it does about the internet. we are living in a different time. our church is a witness to
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couples in love with each other and witnessing in their faith. one of the things we say in the wedding ceremony in the united methodist liturgy is the couple creates a new ministry for the church. our congregation has been blessed by the witness of gay and lesbian couples in those long-term relationships who have a deep commitment. it's about love. it's not about other things that people want to raise up around issues with scripture. >> all right. so until same-sex marriage is legal, you say there will be no straight marriages at the green street methodist church. kelly carpenter, senior pastor there. >> that is the plan. thank you. >> so nice to see you this morning. want to see a snapshot of the oldest light in the known universe? a baby picture of the universe right after the big bang. and revised our understanding of space and time. more on that next. max and penny kept our bookstore
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all along the east coast, a streaking fireball caught people's attention last night. you can see it captured by a dash cam in washington. experts say it probably was a meteor. the flash lasted several seconds. it happened around 8:00 eastern and lit up social media with sightings reported from florida to quebec. speaking of outer space. look at one of the most important baby pictures you'll ever see. maybe not the cutest thing. that's a snapshot of the universe at the dawn of time. before there were stars, galaxies, planets like ours. that's right. that's actually some of the oldest light in the universe. invisible to the naked eye of course but not to the european space agency's telescope. the light leftover from the big bang. here's why it is such a big deal. it tells us the universe is actually 100 million years older
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than we thought. in other words, 13.82 billion years old. and ordinary matter, all of the stuff we see today like planets and stars makes up only 4.9% of the universe. vast majority is a complete mystery. two invisible things called dark matter and dark energy is so cool and sean carroll is here to tell us what these numbers mean. some of our theories and our numbers about the world had to be revised this week. you say the biggest thing to come from this study is actually how accurate the old numbers were. tell me about it. >> i think it's a great accomplishment that we can build this telescope. we look at leftover light from the big bang and we definitely learned a lot. we had better numbers now than we had before. basically we're right. we kind of understand what the universe is doing. we don't know why it's doing
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that. we don't understand the ingredients it's made of very well but nice to know we have a good starting point to think of what the universe really is. >> how do these red, yellow and blue dots in this baby picture of our world, how do they help scientists understand how the universe evolves. walk me through what we're seeing there. >> what we see there is a snapshot of the universe about 380,000 years after the big bang. it was a very, very smooth almost featureless plate. these images where you get the red and green and blue, these are very, very enhanced so you can see the ripples, deviations in temperature. in reality, it would be almost invisible if you just saw the image without the contrast knob turned way up. but those tiny ripples grow over time and there's more stuff in one region than in another region. that region is going to keep accumulating matter and that's going toake a galaxy or a star
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or a planet. >> take us back to the very beginning. what happened right after the big bang? what was going on in the universe in this picture? >> well, it's expanding very rap rapidly. very dense. if you think about the universe today, 100 billion galaxies. you wind that clock back. everything was closer together bumping into each other and it was glowing like your oven glow which is you heat it up. it was giving off a tremendous amount of radiation and that picture that we get is from the moment when the universe became transparent and that radiation canal zoomed through space until it lands in our telescope and the exact pattern of ripples we're able to go back and say, okay, how does that match on our theories and therefore how much matter do we need and how much dark matter and how much dark energy. >> how long after the big bang did it take for the planets and suns and galaxy to start forming? >> well, it was not a threshold.
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it's not a clear demarcation. it took billions of years. it's interesting. one of the major challenges in astronomy now is to fill in what we call dark ages between that picture you see of the mak background and stars that we can get images. it takes a billion years or so. we're trying our best with new technology with the upcoming space telescope to peer into that intermediate time when the stars are forming and we hope to learn more. >> i want to bring back my pie chart. we know that dark matter and dark energy make up 95% of everything in the universe. the things that we are still exploring and that we still vastly don't understand is about 4%. look at that. 5%. the ordinary matter with planets and galaxies and stuff.
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i'm not a physicist. what is that on the chart? >> this is one of the towering accomplishments of history. this is inventory of what the universe is made of. 1,000 years from now, they are going to believe in that pie chart. we'll hopefully know better what the ingredients are. we have ordinary matter that is you and me and planets and sun and moon and stars. dark matter is some kind of matter, some kind of particle but it's just invisible. it's transparent. we can't see it. we never made it in the laboratory. all of the particles we can make here on earth we know they don't do the job of being the dark matter. so this is telling us that there's somethingo physics to fundamental architecture of reality that we haven't yet seen here on earth. that's very exciting. and then the dark energy is much more mysterious than that. the dark energy isn't even matter. it's something that is just filling all of space. a kind of energy that just is
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there persistent and does not dilute away as the universe expands. it does not collect in galaxies and cluster of galaxies and provides an impulse, a push that's making the universe accelerate. this is already the subject of at least one nobel prize and i think it will be a major focus in the future. >> john carroll, thank you. what a great conversation. so much more ahead. we have much more in the next hour of "cnn saturday morning" which starts after this very quick break. [ male announcer ] if you stash tissues
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visit your eyecare professional today to ask about our newest lenses, transitions vantage and transitions xtractive lenses. experience life well lit. ask which transitions adaptive lens is best for you. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow! ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you had heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. this is "cnn saturday morning." this is saturday, march 23rd.
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good morning. i'm christine romans. a man tried to pull a stunt on a plane headed to florida. it didn't work. in fact it got him arrested. what's with this sudden rash of meteors? people along the eastern seaboard lit up social media when they saw a streaking ball of fire in the sky. and did i say fire? well, we're going to tell you why the woman who owns this home that burned to the ground blames all that on a snake. we begin with fierce winter weather battering the rockies. conditions so bad in colorado i-70 has been shut down in both directions in some stretches. people warned not to drive in these conditions unless absolutely necessary. karen maginnis joins us from the severe weather center. calendar says spring. this winter just will not end. >> everyone is hoping that we would see spring. there was an indicator if i remember rightly, several indicators, that we might see an early spring. now it looks like the interstates especially interstate 70 coming out of denver is particularly this
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stretch of road all of the way from east of denver right over to the border with kansas very treacherous driving conditions being reported there. already at the denver international airport we have seen just about 7.5 inches of snowfall. more expected through the afternoon and they are under a winter storm warning that stretches all of the way in through kansas and nebraska pretty much sandwiched between interstate 70 and interstate 80 and that is 40 to 50-mile-an-hour wind gusts. where you see pink is where we look at winter storm warnings. it continues over into portions of illinois but other areas under winter storm watches as well. continuing into the upper ohio river valley and that's where we are looking at the next 24 hours as we move ahead and look ahead from the central rockies over into the central great plains and area of low pressure will trek toward the ohio river valley. as it does if you live along the
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mid-atlantic region in that washington, d.c. area, watch out. the forecast has been tricky there over the last month or so we've been trying to pin down a forecast a lot of times for washington but right now it could be a rain/snow mix or it could be a heavy snow. either way, christine, it is going to really start out the workweek on a very slow note because winter is not giving up just yet. >> all right. we'll take it. we'll take it. a flash of fire streaks across the skies last night from virginia to maine. see that little dot on this video. experts say it was probably a meteor and of course folks who saw it wasted no time tweeting about it. omg i saw a real immediatemeteo brooklyn sky and olivia wrote, after the one that hit russia and this huge one tonight, a little scary. this man is in custody right now accused of impersonating a pilot on a us airways plane.
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he managed to get inside the cockpit. >> he's conversing with the first officer and the captain and wants to sit in the jump seat. >> outrageous. unheard of. i'm really shocked. >> the flight crew became suspicious after the man started arguing with the pilots. he's being held on $1 million bail and he's charged with trespassing, impersonating a public servant and lying to police. heartbreak this morning as authorities try to figure out what caused an airport flight display board to collapse on a family killing a 10-year-old boy, critically injuring his mother and hurting his two brothers. it happened in a new section of the airport in alabama. it took six men to lift the sign off the family. larry schneider was one of them. >> the family was crushed. the little kid was crushed underneath the sign. and everybody was scattering to
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lift it up. i helped pull people out. >> the family was returning to home to kansas from spring break in florida. in georgia, two teen boys are in jail on murder charges for allegedly killing a 13-month-old baby. the mother says the boys shot the baby while she was walking with him in a stroller. she claims the older suspect initially asked her for money and shot her baby when she said she didn't have any. we go live to brunswick, virginija georgia. what are you hearing now? >> reporter: they are thought to be the two suspects involved in this incident. i want to tell you that we have new information just into cnn. we're hearing from the brunswick police department that cnn will be exclusively given the 911 tapes from that incident on thursday morning. i want to bring in officer tom rhodes. he's been in front of the media throughout this entire very tragic incident. this 911 tape, what do we expect
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to hear? >> you'll hear how the calls initially came in as a call for emergency services. medical assistance. emergency services. you'll hear that. and plus we got calls from different people that was calling in indicating that they heard gunshots and so that's initially basically what you'll end up hearing. >> reporter: multiple calls that you received. no eyewitnesses still have come forward. >> not to this point. not saying there isn't any. that's why our investigators are still investigating this. we want to make sure that we leave no stone unturned and we do a thorough investigation. >> reporter: initially police said they wouldn't release the 911 tapes or the incident report. why the change of heart here? >> it's just that, you know, as an agency we're trying to be as accommodating as possible without jeopardizing the case. >> reporter: are we learning more about the suspects? the 17 year old and the 14 year
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old, any other details you can offer? >> not at this time right now. with them being apprehended evidence from them as well as te from other sources as well. not at this time. >> reporter: and the 14 year old was arrested and charged officially with first-degree murder. is he expected to be tried as an adult? >> that's something that is out of our league right now. our job is of course to identify, locate and apprehend and that's something that the district attorney will have to determine. >> thank you very much. officer todd rhodes with the brunswick police department. back to you. >> thanks. it's an elaborate crime puzzle and police in two states are working to solve it. is one man tied to three different murders? the latest grabbed headlights when colorado's prison chief opened his front door and was shot dead this week.
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two days late r police in texas killed a man. what have police found? >> reporter: so right now authorities here in colorado from that car.ocessing evidence- they want to know if they can match shell casings and that sort of evidence with a murder of tom clements here but determining whether evan ebel is the trigger man is only part of the puzzle. they are doing investigations inside prison walls because evan ebel was connected to a prison gang and they want to know if this was a hit and something orchestrated with people on the inside and the connection to white supremacist gangs brought this man to the attention of people in texas where they are investigating the murder of an assistant district attorney back on january 31st gunned down in the parking lot of a courthouse
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there. they want to know if these things are connected because of proximity, m.o. of shooting a public official and this connection to white supremacist gangs. >> it's a bizarre story and the suspect is dead in that shootout. with him goes a lot of information. are they getting any closer to understanding a motive here? >> reporter: motive is one of the key things they want to answer. that's another part why they are investigating inside prison as we speak. they want to find out a motive. was this directed at this man specifically, obviously a question because of his job as a prison chief and likewise the man in texas because of his job as a prosecutor. there was no apparent robbery or anything else like that so that's obviously where this case has turned. i will tell you, authorities here are quick to tell you that this investigation is far from over. they really have a lot more work to do before they can answer those questions.
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>> sure. thanks. american airlines is offering passengers new incenti incentives. how you can board your flight faster next time you fly. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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early today the senate passed its version of a federal budget. it's symbolic since it is nonbinding. it lays out their priorities which are different from the republicans. it increases government spending and it would repeal those automatic spending cuts. president obama is heading home after being in the middle east. the president was on an international charm offensive calling on israel to restart direct talks with the palestinians and broker an apology over a commando raid. he didn't win the presidency but mitt romney plans to have a say. he's asking political and business leaders to a four-day retreat in utah in june. the idea, look for solutions to the country's problems. romney says he wants to stay engaged in public policy. among those invited are new jersey governor chris christie and house budget chairman congressman paul ryan. 149 airport control towers around the nation are set to
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close because of spending cuts. the faa says it is targeting low to medium traffic airports. closures could also effect big airports causing delays of as much as 90 minutes. i asked a former air marshal and union president representing air traffic controllers if this would affect air safety. >> there's no concerns for the public as far as safety is concerned. i believe with these closures we'll have somewhere between 150,000 flights that take off and land per year. to give you an idea of what the percentage is, there's more than 26,000 flights that take off and land every day. you are talking 150,000 throughout the year. that number is surpassed in six days. >> ron taylor, if you have some of these towers that have been closed and air traffic controllers aren't needed there, beyond the impact on that particular control tower and those workers, will flyers and public safety be affected?
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>> absolutely their safety will be pro compricompromised. >> tell me why. >> there will be no one there to control the towers. nice runways and taxiways and everything else going on and nobody there to guide the airplanes in and sequence them into the airports. >> don't we have some airports where we don't have an air traffic controller on hand? is that true? >> that's true. but what we have now is we expanded this program over the past 30 years and pumped a lot of federal money and expanded air carrier service, air taxi, military, general aviation. now we reached a point we can't afford to take the chance or the risk to close down a control tower. safety is primarily going to be a problem right now. >> let me ask you, clearly you have different takes on how this is going to affect flyers. some say that maybe you could see more delays. air safety is something the faa took into consideration in all of this. the faa says this will not affect passenger safety which
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raises the question, can you cut from these budgets, can you cut smartly from these budgets at all? >> i think so. they named about 24 airports that are closely in line with some of the bigger hubs and some of the airlines. they probably took a look at how many different incidents reported throughout the year and diversions so to speak. from a standpoint of safety or concern, can we quickly divert and have polilaces intact to assist. everybody will be safe from a safety standpoint. >> all right. a former air marshal and a union representing air traffic controllers. american airlines encouraging folks to check their bags. those without bags will be allowed to board first. it's being tested in austin, baltimore, ft. lauderdale and washington dulles and it will
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speed up boarding process will making more money for the airlines. ads appearing on buses in san francisco. do they represent freedom of speech or hate speech? [ female announcer ] how do you define your moment? the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours.
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are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive.
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north carolina is announcing a new look for drivers issued from undocumented licenses. very similar to traditional licenses. they'll carry the words legal presence. no lawful status. north carolina drew fire over the original licenses which had a pink stripe across the card.
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some critics compared that to a scarlet letter. controversial ads with shocking messages are set to debut in san francisco. here's a sample. killing jews is worship that draws us closer to allah. the ads are posted on buses around san francisco. earlier i talked to a woman behind the ads and i asked the group american freedom defense initiative why. >> our ads were designed to show the reality of jihad using actual quotes from high profile muslims like the prime minister of turkey, the times square bomber, to increase awareness about the ideology that sanctions the violence of jihad. >> you are accused of this being anti-muslim. what's your reaction to that criticism? >> well, it's deeply offensive to muslims because the implication is that all muslim support jihad and we know that's
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not true. we don't have to pat on the back every muslim that doesn't want to kill us. we expect that. that's our bar. so i know from my own e-mail box that many muslims stand with us because they escaped jihady wars and there have been over 20,000 deadly islamic attacks since 2011 and they need to understand the ideology that inspires these acts of war. >> i want to bring in linda from the national network of arab american communities. you have seen these ads. pamela says she is including quotes from people like mahmoud ahmadinejad. >> you are quoting a man who is a holocaust denier. he's not an american muslim. you have a history of pitting communities against each other
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including the most recent homophobic ads that are offensive here in the united states. >> this is not the first time ads have gone up. remember controversy over similar ads in new york. your organization sued the new york city transit agency when it tried to ban those ads. the issue first amendment freedom of speech. san francisco's transit authority is in the same boat. listen. >> this is again what we see. attacks, libels and defamation against me. they don't condemn statements in the ad. you have prime minister of turkey saying muslims are our soldiers. the quote i'm using are quotes from the leader of the muslim brotherhood in egypt calling for the death penalty for homosexuals. my calling attention to this makes me homophobic? no. not calling attention to the
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fight of gays is killing people. attack me but where is the condemnation of the actual statements that he's high profile muslims are making? we don't hear that at all. it's very interesting. it speaks volumes as to the motive behind -- >> there has been plenty of condemnation of mahmoud ahmadinejad and statements he's said about homosexuals and homosexuality and condemnation of him and others. there's been prosecution of some of the people you show on the times square bomber and the like. it's not as if -- i guess i don't understand your point. >> my point is the american people are being disarmed by the true reality of jihad and this is our way of leap frogging over the media who sanitizes it and alerting the american people to what is the gravest national security threat that our nation faces. >> linda, can you see how the
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courts view this as freedom of speech and it is pamela's right to put up these billboards? >> i'm not debating her right and freedom of speech. that's why we live in the united states of america. i will say particularly on home phobic remarks, we can take the ads which have similar if not identical views on home sexuali sexualisexu homesexuality. >> both women favor rights for freedom of speech but they see it very differently. thousands of runners hit the streets in hartford, connecticut, right now to remember the children killed in the newtown school shooting.
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today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. see lioutdoors, or in.ight. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. maybe even a little better. visit your eyecare professional today to ask about our newest lenses, transitions vantage and transitions xtractive lenses. experience life well lit. ask which transitions adaptive lens is best for you.
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heyyy, you're going out like that? yeah, why? well, what would the neighbors think? i see you! c'mon, get mister feather! look what i have. mister bird. remember? quack quack quack! we're just playing! we're just playing! i'm trying to get you out of there! even still... announcer: you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. there are thousands of teens in foster care who don't need perfection, they need you. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke.
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historic meeting unfolding in rome today. for the first time in centuries a living pope is meeting with his predecessor. the 85-year-old benedict has been living in a castle since he resigned last month. he's been following francis election as pope. it may be spring but it doesn't look like it in denver. a soccer match last night in the mile-high city. they beat costa rica 1-0. unclear if they could find the soccer ball by the time it was said and done. still snowing by the way. the post office's plans to stop delivering letters on saturday hitting a snag. the u.s. government accountability office says mail must be delivered six days a week. it made this statement in a
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legal opinion. the post office insists it's not really ending six-day mail service since it will deliver packages on saturdays and it says that it doesn't expect a legal fight. in iowa, a fallen soldier was honored with more than 2,200 flags. staff sergeant was killed in a helicopter blast that killed four others. those flags were provided by a gentleman anyone as the flag man. he travels around the country bringing his collection of american flags to military funerals. he says he's been doing this for five years and provided flags for more than 100 service. thousands of people laced up their running shoes this morning to remember the shoes of newtown, connecticut. they are running to raise money to support the families of 20 elementary school kids and six teachers gunned down in their classroom last december. one of those children was emily. he reached out to the shooter's father. piers morgan asked him why. >> it was actually a mutual
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thing. we had heard through some people that peter was extremely moved and was appreciative of some of the things that i had mentioned about his family. when i released my statement early on. the idea got brought up if it would be a good idea to meet. and so it was just more of a mutual thing and the more i thought about it and spoke about it with each other, it was the right thing to do. >> it happened at the end of january, i believe. when you walked into the room and there is the father of this young man who took your daughter's life, what goes through your mind? >> one of the reasons i wanted to speak to him is i wanted to speak to him as a father, one father to another father. i understand that despite the circumstances that he lost his son and that he needed to grieve
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that as well just as much as i needed to grieve my daughter. i wanted to express those condolences to him. i felt like we were able to do that for each other. >> his life in many ways has ruined by this. so often as is the case in these awful atrocities. at the same time, i know your wife, i spoke to her earlier, she's very candid about this. she felt strongly although obviously it was nothing to do with him in terms of the shooting, parental responsibilities in all of these cases have a part to play however big or small we may never know but they have a part to play. >> in the moment that you become a parent, you take on an extreme and very powerful responsibility in your life and alissa did have a powerful experience for her that made it that she wanted to reach out to him and just send a message of you are his father. you are the only one that's around now to be able to try to help and bring understanding to
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this whole situation and just wanted to make sure that he was empowered to be able to do what he needed to do. do whatever he could do to bring that information forward. we came away with a better understanding of certain issues that we had questions about. like i said, he was a person that could provide those answers for us. >> thanks to piers morgan. former tennis star jennifer c capriati is in trouble with the law. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages. neosporin. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing.
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in texas a woman tries to get rid of a snake but her plan goes up in flames. the woman doused the reptile in gasoline and her son lit it on fire. as the snake tried to escape it ignited brush which set fire to the woman's house and then it set fire to the house next door, which she also owns. no people were hurt. no word on the fate of the snake. a teenage girl in southern california survives a scene right out of a horror movie. cowering in a closet wile three burglars invade her house. the emergency operator told the frightened girl not to say a word after she heard the criminals voices just inches away from her as she hid behind clothes.
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>> wow. police arrived shortly after and arrested three teen suspects in the stolen car in the driveway. the high school girl was not hurt. former tennis star jennifer capriati is charged with stalking and battery of her ex-boyfriend. the incident allegedly occurred on valentine's day when she punched ivan brennan. she'll face charges in april. i asked paul how much trouble she could be in. >> she's facing two counts. one that she actually physically assaulted the alleged victim and the second cyberstalking. both are misdemeanor counts. each carries as much as a year in prison. i must say usually though you don't get prison time for this sort of thing. they are serious charges. >> how unusual is it to have a celebrity accused of doing the stalking and not the other way around? >> it's highly unusual. usually of course it's the celebrity being stalked by some
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stranger that we read about in the newspaper. and there's another thing that's unusual here. i was looking at the statistics. although over 3 million americans have been stalked annually according to department of justice statistics, more often than not the stalker is a male. usually almost 90% of the time believe it or not despite what you see in the movies, the stalker is the male. here the victim allegedly is a male with the stalker a female. this flips the whole phenomenon upside down. >> she's charged with this. appearing in court in april. what's the process going to be like for her? >> she'll be offered an opportunity to plead guilty and possibly resolve it. usually very solv lly resolved restraining order. if she insists on a trial and says she's innocent, wow, this is going to be a real slug fest because the former boyfriend says he was punched in the chest
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four times. he says he was rescued by a yoga instructor at the gym and he has photographs of his damaged chest. they also say that jennifer c capriati was making 50 phone calls to his workplace. >> if she fights this, what will lawyers be looking for to try to defend this case? >> well, capriati's lawyer says it's nonsense that this is just a romantic relationship that didn't work out. there are also reports that the ex-boyfriend has an arrest record himself for drug use and one of his former girlfriends, who appeared on one of these celebrity restaurant shows has come forward and said, you know something, he made false stalking complaints against me. so all of this has potential to come up in a very, very highly
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publicized trial if the case goes forward. the issue of same-sex marriage goes before the supreme court next week. we ask some experts to weigh in. ? are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive. and be good for your face? [ female announcer ] now there's new neutrogena® naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates. for naturally clear skin. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals.
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major league baseball filed a lawsuit against the florida clinic linked to supplying players with performanceccordine banned substances to a number of former and current pro baseball players. it links the clinic to players like alex rodriguez. a-rod's camp denies any connection to the clinic and its owner. next week the supreme court will begin tackling the marriage debate. according to a new poll, 53% of americans think same-sex marriage should be legalized. 44% say it should not. i asked brian wilson, human director for the human rights
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campaign and another what they think. >> the important thing is that it's the american citizens and their elected representatives who should be voting on marriage policy and not five or nine unelected judges. >> for the first time in her long political career, hillary clinton came out in support of same-sex marriage in a video that your organization released this week. the former secretary of state, u.s. senator, 2008 presidential candidate, backed benefits for same-sex couples but never made an endorsement for marriage. she says it's about equality. listen. >> gay rights are human rights. and human rights are gay rights. and the united states would be a leader in defending those rights. >> do you think this is move to influence the supreme court like the american academy of pediatrics and others trying to get the opinion out there now before the court decides? >> i think what you see from hillary clinton and from the
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american academy of pediatrics and more and more figures public and private, more and more organizations, this is the issue in front of the court and in front of the american people in a way that it never has been before and lots of folks want to make sure their position on the issue is clear and you have seen more and more folks coming out for equality because that's where our country is and where it's going. >> we showed those polls showing how quickly things have changed over the past four years. do you see that sense of public opinion changing or you don't buy those polls? >> i think public opinion right now is changing and that's why we shouldn't have the supreme court stop the conversation. what we don't need is for the supreme court to artificially stop the democratic process, which is what they did 40 years ago with the conversation about abortion. the court struck down laws in all 50 states and it led to a 40-year culture war. we don't need the court treating another culture war on the issue
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of marriage and let citizens discuss and vote. >> you say the future of marriage depends on citizens understanding why it matters. what is marriage to you and what do you think would happen to the country if gays can marry? >> the state has an interest in marriage because it needs men and women to commit to each other as husband and wife and then take responsibility for their children as mothers and fathers. president obama has spoken movingly about the importance of fathers and how he wished his father would have been involved in his life and how that inspires him to be a good father to his own daughters. >> what's wrong with two fathers? >> how can father be essential when it makes fathers optional. it's a father and a mother. mothering and fathering are a phenomenon and children do best when they have a mother and father. that's what marriage does. >> i'll let you react to that point. >> first of all, these talking
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points ignore that there are hundreds of thousands of children being raised by same-sex couples successfully in this country which is why you have child welfare organizationses that have come out in support of parenting by same-sex couple and marriage because those kids deserve a stable, protected, respected home just as much as kids being raised by opposite sex couples disagree that allowing those children to have a stable and legally recognized home is somehow a threat to marriage more broadly or to the institution at that gay and lesbian couples are trying to join. >> i'll let you react to ryan's point. it would be the supreme court stopping the democratic process. >> the supreme court is going to be doing its job, which is to make sure that the laws of the country are consistent with our constitution and guarantees for all people, minorities included, and that's what they're going to be doing next week. they're not breaking the rules of democracy or stalling out the
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prose s process. even if a law is voted on by the people, it can't be inconsistent with our constitution. if you think history is born, you have to see this. we'll go to a history class like none other you have seen. a teacher brings class to life. you want to see how he does it on the other side. e announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air.
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then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. do you remember your high school history teacher? i actually do, but most people probably don't. we'd like to introduce you to a history teacher in minnesota who loves what he does. dan johnson breathes life into history. >> reporter: sunny day on the outside of the cambridge high school. a different story in dan
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johnson's history room. pushed to the side are the regular desks, lights are replaced by a single bulb. mr. johnson has never been a a big believer in spouting facts and figures. his teaching method is experiences. and it's all part of history to hear things and smell things. today it's the great depression. students will arrive to find their teacher dressed like a world war ii drill sergeant and a wood stock hippy. >> they put you in a position where it's like how it was back th then. i really like that. >> it's amazing when things get tough how you can survive. >> reporter: few students even have grandparents to share depression era memories. . >> have you ever typed on a typewriter? >> never.
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>> anybody? want to show us how it's done? >> reporter: mr. johnson does that for them. >> e he makes it's interesting to learn. it's not like math class where it's boring. >> reporter: after 32 years of teaching, mr. johnson will retire at the end of this year. at cambridge high school, history will treat him kindly. >> that is one cool teacher. that was boyd hooper in the twin cities. frederika is here. it's a nice way to inspire kids to be interested in history. it's one of the classes where a lot of kids are sleeping. >> hopefully other teachers are watching and use the tips. >> we have a lot straight ahead at noon eastern time beginning with our legal guys. they are tackling the case of casey anthony.
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the murder acquitted in the murder charges. now her life story is up for auction. looking for the highest bidder to sell her life story to for use in any way. and then just this past november, big election season. voters approved the legalization of recreational marijuana. i will be talking to a man who is advising state leaders on how to make this new business work. so-called marijuana czar will be joining me. then history has been made and barriers broken in israel. i'm not talking about president obama's trip to the middle east. instead i'm talking about the crowning of this woman right here as miss israel. we'll be talking with her and introduce you to her and how she was a guest of honor at a dinner involving the president of the united states while he was in israel. pretty extraordinary life story. >> i look forward to that. >> all that straight ahead. >> all right. it's not springtime, so i'm
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going to hunker down with my television today. schools shutting their doors in chicago. it's billed as move to save money but some are outraged. we'll look at the issues.
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some schools are shutting their doors. he talks o some parent who is are outraged. >> i heard they are not going to be coming back next year and it's sad. it's sad. >> reporter: it's the list the parents have been dreading for
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months. 61 buildings including 53 schools targeted for closure. it's designed to cut costs as the school system faces a reported $1 billion deficit. ward constituents have been calling all day. >> some cases we're happy, some not so happy. >> reporter: on the plus side, the savings will allow major investments in surviving schools including adding 70 libraries, science labs and even air-conditioning. for many it's not what's gained but what's lost and where. neighborhood schools in some of chicago's poorest communities. school officials say it was based on low enrollments, but others say race played a role. an alderman told the "chicago tribune," every time the whites get to scheming and hollering, they back off and steam roll. not this time. she's


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